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Charitable Registration in Georgia

March 15, 2017
If you raise money from the general public in Georgia, you may need to make a special filing with the Secretary of State’s office. Here’s a quick review of what you’re required to file, and where. Registering for Charitable Solicitation in Georgia

Employers Should Be Careful When Obtaining Authorization for Background Checks

March 2, 2017
Many nonprofit employers conduct background checks on potential employees and volunteers. Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”), employers must obtain a signed Disclosure and Authorization form from an applicant before conducting a background check. The FCRA requires that the form be a completely standalone document, without any additional information. A court recently ruled that employers may not include in the form language asking the applicant to release the company from liability in connection with the background …

Webcast: Providing Services for Pay: What Charitable 501(c)(3)s Can and Can’t Do?

February 24, 2017
When you applied for 501(c)(3) status for your organization, you had to tell the IRS what charitable services you were going to provide, whom you would serve and whether you planned to charge fees (which had to be reasonable). The IRS granted 501(c)(3) status to your organization based on that information. Now in the age of buzz words like “self-sustaining” and “diversification of income”, there are voices encouraging charities to act more like businesses and expand their …

New Law Opens Door for Employer Premium Reimbursements

February 2, 2017
Small employers were presented with a holiday gift – the opportunity to reimburse their employees for premiums paid for insurance purchased in the individual market. This practice had been prohibited under the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). The new law, passed as part of the 21st Century Cures Act, allows small employers to adopt qualifying reimbursement programs effective as early as January 1, 2017. Please read this article to determine whether this new opportunity is right for your …

Webcast: Contractual Risk Management: Balancing Risk & Opportunity

January 23, 2017
Risk exists in everyday business operations for all of us, but it is not by itself a negative condition. When properly managed, risk is appropriately balanced against our business opportunities and the financial and other rewards that allow our nonprofits to be successful. During this webinar, the speaker will help you understand: – the four methods of contract risk management (avoidance, transfer, minimization, and acceptance); and – which method(s) may work best for you in a given …

Use Caution Before Seeking Atlanta Festival and Alcohol Permits for For-Profit Entities

January 3, 2017
Because nonprofits enjoy a significant discount on application fees for outdoor festival and alcohol permits in Atlanta, some for-profit entities have asked nonprofits to apply for such permits on their behalf. This article lays out some of the risks nonprofits should consider before agreeing to file for a permit on a for-profit’s behalf. Use Caution Before Seeking Alcohol Permits

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