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Present a 30-minute webinar on options for nonprofit expansion via chapters and affiliates. Mission: To assist individuals with disabilities and others with barriers to employment in maximizing their potential. Matter-19235: Advice on whether participants in job training program must be paid. 2nd request. Mission: To increase the impact of recovery in Georgia’s communities through education, advocacy, training and peer support services. Matter-19365: Assistance with appeal of award of unemployment benefits. IMMEDIATE NEED. 2nd request. Mission: To work with local communities to develop and improve their parks and greenspace. Matter-18273: Advice regarding classification of 12 employees as exempt or nonexempt under FLSA. Mission: Helping pets and the people who care for them by providing innovative programs and affordable services that save lives. Matter-19340: Advice on whether employees who work with animals may be required to get rabies vaccine. Mission: To empower individuals in addiction to achieve recovery and break the cycle of addiction in their families, and to reduce recidivism in our community. Matter-19397: Advice on inquiring about the communicable disease status of applicants for residential treatment, and on whether an applicant may be denied admission if the organization is unable to manage the associated infectious disease risks. Mission: To teach students life skills and career development through music, film and digital media.
Matter-19406:Drafting basic agreement for assignment of rights for logo created by nonprofit to the City of Atlanta. PBPA has form. Mission: To increase access to good food for all Georgians while contributing to the local food economy. Matter-19366: Advice regarding potential claim for fire damage caused by contractor. Mission: To help Georgians avoid homelessness and hunger through a comprehensive approach that equips them with the tools for lifelong stability. Matter-19379: Reviewing partnership agreement with developer of low income housing.Summary of Opportunities
Creative Enterprises, Inc.
Georgia Council for Recovery, Inc.
Park Pride, Inc.
Planned PEThood of Georgia, Inc.
Angel House of Georgia, Inc.
Intellectual Property
Music Education Group
Wholesome Wave Georgia Incorporated
Real Estate
Travelers Aid of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.