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New Federal Law Provides Full COBRA Coverage

March 17, 2021
On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).  ARPA includes a 100% government subsidy of COBRA premiums for “assistance eligible individuals” through September.  COBRA applies to health plans offered by nonprofit employers with more than 20 employees. Read this article to understand who is eligible for these subsidies, what your nonprofit’s obligations are in notifying eligible former or current employees, and potential employer tax credits.

Vaccines: Incentives, Mandates and Interactions in the Workplace

March 15, 2021
As vaccines for COVID-19 become more readily available, employers are considering how they are going to address vaccines and those who have or have not been vaccinated in the workplace.  Currently, there are more questions than answers about the legal implications of mandating vaccines or providing vaccine incentive programs. The resources listed below may provide valuable information as employers are deciding whether or not to mandate vaccines, whether or not to provide incentives for receiving a vaccine, …

Volunteer Manuals:  Can’t I Just Use My Employee Handbook?

February 26, 2021
A volunteer manual is considered to be an essential policy for a healthy nonprofit.  Have you ever wondered if you could just share your employee handbook as a guide for your volunteers?  In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, our guest talks to us about why your organization should use a manual specific to volunteers.  She discusses how a volunteer manual is different from an employee handbook, why you should not download a volunteer manual from the …

Contract Basics for Nonprofit Organizations

February 26, 2021
When you are tirelessly focusing on your nonprofit’s mission, the importance of legal contracts may not be one of the first things to cross your mind. Nevertheless, contracts are crucial for any nonprofit organization, both for enforcing your rights, as well as protecting you from liability. This article provides a brief, basic overview of common contracts topics, as well as best practices when entering into contracts.

Employee Retention Credits for Small Nonprofits

February 24, 2021
The Employee Retention Credit (“ERC”) was established by the CARES Act last year to encourage eligible employers to keep employees on their payroll through the use of tax credits during the COVID-19 pandemic. On December 27, 2020, the Economic Aid Act (“EAA”) amended the ERC to make it a much more useful option for eligible small nonprofits. This article  covers the original ERC (under the CARES Act) and the expanded ERC (under the EAA), including explanations on …

Webcast: Using Intellectual Property with Social Media

February 23, 2021
Social media makes a great way to communicate with nonprofit clients, stakeholders, donors, and the general public. Almost all posts use your organization’s or another’s intellectual property to spread the word. Intellectual property includes copyrighted content (like images, videos, and text), brands and logos and individuals’ rights of publicity. During this presentation, we’ll talk through the best practices and common pitfalls of using intellectual property with social media, including: Speaker: Creighton Frommer, Chief Counsel, Intellectual Property at …

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