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Playing & Performing Music: What Your Nonprofit Needs to Know About Music Licensing  

August 25, 2021
When it comes to using copyrighted content, nonprofits often rely on the exceptions of fair use or use for an educational purpose.  Practically speaking, those exceptions are very limited.  So when do you need to get a license?  In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Becki Lee will break down the complicated world of music licensing to help you understand when and from whom you need to secure a music license, as she answers our questions about …

Vaccine & Workplace Checklist – What Employers are Permitted to Do, and What Employers Should Consider

August 10, 2021
Nonprofits are trying to figure how to keep their employees and clients safe, but many questions remain around how to balance safety with employee privacy and choice.  When and how can employers ask their workers about vaccines or masks and what should be considered as part of a COVID safety policy?  This Checklist from BlankRome includes a quick guide to help your nonprofit determine which vaccine and mask activities you may require and additional questions to consider. …

CDC Recommends and Atlanta Mayor Executive Order Requires Masks Indoors, Regardless of Vaccination Status

August 10, 2021
Georgia nonprofits may need to re-visit their indoor masking policies, regardless of the vaccination status of anyone in your space.  On July 27, 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) revised its COVID-19 guidance, recommending that even individuals who have been fully vaccinated should resume wearing masks in public indoor settings in those areas of the U.S. that have substantial or high COVID-19 transmission rates. Every country in Georgia falls into this category as of the date …

Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) for Nonprofits

July 27, 2021
NDAs sound like the perfect option to protect all information anytime your nonprofit talks to a third party, so you should always sign one.  Right? In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Dan Hart from Seyfarth Shaw talks to us about how NDAs really work and when they may be beneficial for a nonprofit.  He also shares insight on specific NDA terms and what to look out for before your nonprofit signs one of these restrictive agreements. …

Setting Up A Scholarship or Financial Assistance Fund

July 27, 2021
Many 501(c)(3) organizations provide scholarships or other financial assistance to individuals or would like to do so but have questions about how to set up such programs. This workshop will address the following issues: What constitutes a scholarship versus other types financial assistance; The laws which affect the awarding of scholarships, including the type of reporting required by the IRS; Best practices for designing and setting up scholarships/financial assistance programs; and Best practices for maintaining and managing …

Attn: Employers with More Than 10 Employees. Do You E-verify?

July 27, 2021
In order for job applicants to be able to work in the United States, they must go through select requirements to prove citizenship or eligibility to work. Some Georgia employers are required to use E-verify, a fast and free internet database, for any potential new hire.  Read this article to learn more about E-Verify and whether your nonprofit must use it to determine your workforce\’s eligibility. E-verify

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