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All Together Now: Practical Tips to Reduce Your Nonprofit’s Legal Risk for In-Person Events

September 16, 2021
Slowly but surely more in-person events are happening, whether they be client programming, outdoor festivals or indoor mini-fundraisers.  As your organization contemplates how and when to recommence in-person gatherings, we offer a few practical tips to mitigate your legal risks associated with holding live events in this article. Tips to Reduce Legal Risks

Shout Out to Volunteers

September 14, 2021
Thank you to the 504 attorney volunteers (as of September 1) who gave nonprofit clients pro bono advice! We could not have done it without you. Click here to add your name to the list below. To: Jim Jordan, Eversheds Sutherland From: Open Hands Atlanta Let me say now how much we appreciate you Jim! Your expertise and patience was invaluable to this prolonged negotiation. THANK YOU sir for seeing this project through for us. To: Amy …

Client Profile – Livramento Delgado Boxing Foundation

September 8, 2021
Livramento Delgado Boxing Foundation (LDBF) is a nonprofit organization focused on helping those affected by movement challenges. Established in 2013 by Larry and Ellie Kahn with the assistance of Paul Delgado, LDBF developed a vigorous, non-contact boxing exercise program specifically for people with Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown vigorous exercise helps slow the progression of the disease and lessen the severity of symptoms, improving balance, cognitive function, and prolonging independence.  Paul ran the program for many years until …

Webcast: When Others Fundraise for Your Organization

August 30, 2021
Often times individuals or groups of individuals want to help out 501(c)(3) nonprofits by raising money for them. They may hold a dinner with friends, a charity golf tournament, a benefit concert, or even a raffle with the proceeds going to an organization. Sometimes organizations are not even aware of these fundraising activities until the proceeds are handed to them. While these wonderful efforts and gestures help out 501(c)(3) nonprofits, they can also create risks for the …

OSHA Announces New COVID-19 Guidance to Protect Employees in the Workplace

August 30, 2021
  The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has aligned its COVID-19 guidance with the latest from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC).  OSHA now suggests that employers adopt policies requiring workers to either get vaccinated or undergo regular testing.  More general information on these recommendations are in this article by BakerHostetler and further details on implementation suggestions are in this article by Hunton.

Equipment Leasing: Factors Nonprofits Should Consider Before Signing

August 30, 2021
Nonprofits often require the services of third party vendors for renting or leasing workplace equipment and products.  Examples include copiers, floor mats, or restroom product dispensers.  The company that rents or leases these products will require a legal contract detailing the rental arrangement. You may sign the agreement without reading it, assuming it is non-negotiable.  However, it is important to be aware of the pros and cons of such agreements.  This article by Briley Brisendine at SiteOne …

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