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Staying Legal in Tough Economic Times

December 7, 2011
Staying afloat in a tough economy might take all of your energy. But important legal issues that fall by the wayside can make your job even harder. These 10 quick points could help steer you down the right road so you’ll still be around for the good times. Legal Issues in Tough Times

Website Legal Audits

December 7, 2011
Whether your website is simple or complex, your organization could benefit by reviewing the legal issues that may arise from your website. Learn about each of them in this guide. Website Legal Audits


December 7, 2011
You put a lot of creativity into your Organization’s logo, but have you protected it? Learn about Trademarks, and how to keep your image your own. Article: Trademarks

What Nonprofits Should Know About Intellectual Property

December 7, 2011
Have your organization invented a product or process? Are your name or original materials protected? Find out about patents, trademarks and copyright from the experts. Please note that in addition to the legal disclaimer above, this article contains information that is based, in whole or in part, on the laws of the District of Columbia. As a result, the information may not be appropriate for organizations operating outside the District of Columbia. IP for Nonprofits

Limitations on Volunteer Liability

December 7, 2011
Volunteers take on certain responsibilities when they agree to assist a nonprofit. Learn about the risks of volunteering, protection for volunteers and how a volunteer’s actions can affect your nonprofit.   VolunteerLiability

Employment Discrimination Laws

December 7, 2011
FMLA, ADA, ADEA, USERRA and more. Learn more about the alphabet soup of employment discrimination laws that may apply to your organization, and how to stay out of trouble. Employment Discrimination Law

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