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Webcast: Data Privacy: Protecting Personal Information Collected by Nonprofits

March 21, 2016
Nonprofit organizations collect, store, and use personal information from members, donors, employees, volunteers, business associates, and the constituents they serve. This webinar will address data privacy risks, obligations, and best practices, focusing on electronic data, but applicable also to “paper” records. We will discuss: • prudent information governance; • data breach and incident response; and • risk mitigation and “cyberliability” insurance. Presenter: Candice DeCaire, Kilpatrick Townsend Open Slides in New Tab

Government Contract Compliance

February 5, 2016
This webcast provides guidance to nonprofits interested in government contracts about how to get started with compliance requirements under both federal and D.C. law. It discusses both why compliance is important, and the steps organizations must take to ensure they are in compliance. Please note that in addition to the legal disclaimer above, this article contains information that is based, in part, on the laws of the District of Columbia. As a result, some of the information …

Do’s and Don’ts for Interviewing Job Candidates

February 2, 2016
This article guides nonprofit employers on how to conduct effective job interviews while avoiding practices that may lead to discrimination lawsuits. Do’s and Dont’s for Interviewing Job Candidates

Webcast: Legal Issues for Nonprofits that Work with Children

January 25, 2016
As all nonprofits that work with children know, these organizations have special issues and risk areas. Having in place good systems for risk management will benefit an organization’s reputation, and can also protect its finances. In this webcast, our speaker will discuss: certain common risks for organizations working with children; and best practices for handling those risk areas. Presenter: Meghan Magruder, King & Spalding, LLP Open Slides in New Tab

Affordable Care Act Year-End Reporting – Checklist

January 15, 2016
All employers with 50 or more FTEs are required to comply with the Affordable Care Act’s reporting requirements, which require both reporting to individual employees and to the Internal Revenue Service. This article includes information about the reporting requirements, the reporting deadlines, and penalties for failure to file. ACA Checklist

Webcast: Responding to Subpoenas, Including Requests for Client Records in Domestic Violence Cases Webcast

December 23, 2015
A subpoena is a legal document demanding that your nonprofit turn over documents or provide testimony in relation to a court proceeding. You can receive one even in a proceeding where your nonprofit is not a party, such as a request for client records in a domestic violence case. Subpoenas can cause distraction, and can raise difficult questions of protecting client confidentiality while still complying with the law. During this webcast, our speaker will educate you on …

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