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Hire Heroes

April 5, 2022
Hire Heroes USA, a national nonprofit organization headquartered in Alpharetta, empowers U.S. military members, veterans, and spouses to succeed in the civilian workforce by providing personalized, one-on-one employment assistance throughout their career search. Job seekers receive a high-quality resume, job search strategies, interview advice, and LinkedIn guidance. Additionally, Hire Heroes connects individuals to other resources such as a job board, virtual events, mentoring services, and training partners. In 2021, Hire Heroes USA assisted a record 12,594 veterans …

When Employees Live in Other States: Remote Workforce Legal Considerations

March 29, 2022
You may be used to having a remote workforce now, but happens if one of your employees decides to take their remote work to a different state?  If you have remote employees who live out-of-state, you may be subject to certain requirements of their state.  In this article, Jenny Jeong at Morris Manning outlines legal considerations, such as workers compensation, discrimination and payroll tax compliance, for nonprofits with out-of-state remote workforce.Open Article in New Tab

What’s in a Name?  Legal Considerations of Nonprofit Branding

March 28, 2022
Whether a nonprofit’s name is based on its mission, location, founder, or something completely unrelated, it is the keystone of the organization’s branding. If you’re deciding on a name for your organization or a new program, or even if you are growing your brand, take a listen to this episode of the PBPA Podcast.  In this episode, Creighton Frommer, Chief Counsel at RELX, guides us through legal considerations in selecting and protecting a nonprofit’s name. Pro Bono Partnership …

Webcast: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Risk Management of Nonprofits

March 25, 2022
Every day, nonprofits face risk in virtually every aspect of their operations. Since risk cannot be eliminated because life itself involves risk, the goal must be to manage risk. As the word “manage” implies, when a nonprofit attempts to reduce or control, i.e., manage its risk, it takes time, effort and money, all of which can take away from the time, effort and money being spent on the mission of the nonprofit. During this one hour webinar, …

PBPA Development Manager

March 16, 2022
Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta (PBPA) seeks a full-time Development Manager to support theorganization in fulfilling its mission of connecting transactional attorneys with nonprofits in need of freelegal assistance. The Development Manager will work closely with the Executive Director and PBPA’sDevelopment Consultant and is often called upon to propose, develop and implement original projectsthat support fundraising and other efforts. Other responsibilities include but are not limited to: ● Assist with proposals and reports for grant funding from …

Can I Pay my Board Members?

February 24, 2022
While nonprofit board members are motivated to serve by passion for an organization’s mission, could a nonprofit also pay them?  Paying nonprofit board members for their service raises many legal issues that are very difficult to overcome.  Read this article to learn about the types of payments a nonprofit might make to a board member, which ones are permissible, and which ones you should avoid. Read More Below or Open Article in New Tab

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