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Shout Out to Volunteers

June 22, 2022
From: Center PointTo: Zenobia TrexlerLarry Stine , Wimberly Lawson Thank you both so much for your guidance regarding our issues.  I feel empowered and a heck of a lot smarter now. The students with whom we work appreciate you; and on behalf of the staff and board at Center Point, thank you for your time, effort, and expertise.  You made a difference.  From: Christ The Restorer MinistryTo: Ann Murray, Nelson Mullins Thank you so very much for assisting Christ …

2022 Volunteers

June 20, 2022
Thank you to the 550 volunteers that have signed up for a pro bono project in 2022! Abbie Schmadeke Abby Larimer Abigail Castleberry Abraham Llama Adam Snyder Addison Smith Adrian Jaume Adrielle Conner Afshan Raees Alan Rosselot Alex Barnett Alex Drummond Alex Hecht Alex Holt Alex Lilly Alex Meier Alex Thurmond Alexandira Isom Alexandra Cervenka Alexis Hall Alison Danaceau Alyssa Dunn Amanda Witt Ami Rodrigues Amy Auffant Amy Doolittle Amy Jensen Amy Pleasance Ana Cid Ana Dowell …

SheWill Inc.

June 17, 2022
SheWill Inc., a nonprofit organization based in Norcross, provides programming and mentorship to girls regarding financial literacy and career empowerment. Through partnering with local schools, churches, and public organizations, SheWill educates young women (ages 8-17) on planning for a brighter, financially secure tomorrow with lecture-based materials, activities, events, and field trips.    SheWill is a long-time Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta client, receiving assistance on a variety of legal matters that have helped the organization’s outreach programs …

Managing the Risks of Overseas Volunteer Trips

June 14, 2022
After two-years of staying grounded during the pandemic, you’ve organized a trip abroad and recruited a group of volunteers who are ready to fly out.  But when traveling abroad, there are situations in which safety and security issues may outweigh the advantages of international experiences. What happens if something goes wrong? What happens if one of your volunteers is seriously injured, or even killed? Who is held legally responsible? Don’t miss this informative webcast for a broad …

Working with Payroll Providers & Professional Employer Organizations

May 26, 2022
Join Josh Joel, business and employment lawyer at Stanton Law, in a discussion of real-world liability and compliance issues that come up for small and mid-size businesses when delegating human resource, payroll, and other workforce management tasks to PEOs and payroll processing companies. Drawing from his experience in both counseling and litigation, Josh will discuss common issues relating to compliance with: • employee classifications, minimum wage, overtime • workers compensation, • benefits administration, and more. Speaker: Josh …

Handling Problem Volunteers:  Tips to Minimize the Risks of a Difficult Do-gooder

May 25, 2022
Nonprofits rely on volunteers to help them fulfill their missions everyday. Some nonprofits rely on a volunteer base more heavily than others, but all nonprofits eventually encounter a difficult volunteer. In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Elizabeth Newton will speak to us about how to effectively and legally deal with challenging volunteers.   Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta · Handling Problem Volunteers: Tips to Minimize the Risks of a Difficult Do-gooder Episode 27 Transcript

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