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Webcast: Unrelated Business Income

September 15, 2010
Nonprofits are exploring new ways to bring income to their organizations. Some of these income ideas may generate unrelated business income which may be taxable. During this one hour webcast, our speakers: Define unrelated business income. Identify the risks of generating unrelated business income. Discuss the exceptions and exemptions to unrelated business income. Presenters: Robyn Miller, Staff Attorney, Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta Timothy Phillips, Attorney, American Cancer Society Click here to view the webcast.   Unrelated …

Webcast: Good Financial Policies for Nonprofits 102

August 1, 2010
As our Financial Policies 101:  Best Practice for Financial Management for Nonprofits webcast demonstrates, nonprofits need to have good financial policies and procedures in place in order to satisfy funders, comply with IRS requirements, and avoid misuse of funds or even embezzlement. During this one hour webcast, our presenters discuss best practices for: Budgeting and financial reports, Checks and balances for financial activities, and Financial policies and procedures. Financial Management for Nonprofits

Happy Anniversary!

June 30, 2010
I’m feeling nostalgic these days. We’re coming up on the five-year anniversary of Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta. On June 27, 2005, I started my job as executive director of the newly-formed organization. We took on our first client a few months later. You can learn more about our accomplishments over the past five years by viewing our 5th Anniversary Report. Just one factoid is the number of attorneys that have volunteered with us so far – …

We have raised $20,000 towards the SunTrust Challenge!

June 20, 2010
What, you still don’t know about the SunTrust Challenge? The SunTrust Foundation has offered to make a $25,000 grant to Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta. All we have to do is raise a matching amount in individual donations of $100 or more. We only have $5,000 left to raise. We are so appreciative of our volunteers, clients and other supporters who have stepped up with donations to make this possible. In this tight economy, donations are more …

The Impact of Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta

June 20, 2010
Testimony from Andy Schneggenburger The Atlanta Housing Association of Neighborhood-based Developers (AHAND) has been very fortunate to have maintained a strong working relationship with the Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta. AHAND is a dues-paying membership association of non-profit community development corporations and affordable housing developers working to revitalize Atlanta and metro area neighborhoods. AHAND’s program areas include education and advocacy on policy issues impacting our members and their work, and capacity-building to continuously help our members do …


June 20, 2010
When VOICE Today founder Angela Williams spoke to three hundred women attending a retreat last year at Callaway Gardens and asked for volunteers to share if they had suffered from sexual abuse, over half of the women stood up. Many of these women broke the silence on their abuse for the first time that day and subsequently made a commitment to healing and restoration. Angela Williams (founder) & Tom Scales (executive director) VOICE Today’s mission is to …

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