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Corporate Minutes

December 7, 2011
Keeping good minutes in board meetings is more than just a good idea. It’s required! Click here to learn more. Please note that in addition to the legal disclaimer above, this article contains information that is based, in whole or in part, on the laws of the District of Columbia. As a result, the information may not be appropriate for organizations operating outside the District of Columbia.  

Georgia Sunshine Laws for Nonprofit Organizations

December 7, 2011
Georgia law requires certain nonprofit organizations to allow public access to their records and meetings. Learn who must comply with the Sunshine Laws and what these laws require.

Electronic Voting for a Nonprofit Board of Directors

December 7, 2011
Can the board of directors of a nonprofit organization vote electronically on matter?Electronic Voting Laws

Fiduciary Duty of Board of Directors to Oversee Financial Affairs

December 7, 2011
Since Enron, the board of directors has been required to take on a greater role in overseeing the financial affairs of a nonprofit organization. All of your board members should read this! Please note that in addition to the legal disclaimer above, this article contains information that is based, in whole or in part, on the laws of the District of Columbia. As a result, the information may not be appropriate for organizations operating outside the District …

Fiduciary Duties of Georgia Nonprofit Directors

December 7, 2011
Learn about the meaning of the fiduciary duties of care, loyalty and obedience, and some practical suggestions for carrying these out.

Conflict of Interest Policies: Disclosure, Monitoring, and Enforcement

December 7, 2011
The IRS has made it clear that you should have a written conflict of interest policy and it’s a good idea for your organization. Learn how often they should be reporting and the additional compliance steps you need to take. Please note that in addition to the legal disclaimer above, this article contains information that is based, in whole or in part, on the laws of the District of Columbia. As a result, the information may not …

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