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Webcast: The Alphabet Soup of Labor and Employment Law

November 20, 2013
From the EEOC and DOL to the ADA, ADEA and EPA, labor & employment law is full of acronyms and, more importantly, puddles of mud into which employers can step. It is crucial for any business, whether for profit or not-for-profit, to understand the requirements and obligations that any employer has. During this presentation, Georgia nonprofit organizational leaders will understand relevant federal labor & employment laws (Title VII, ADA, ADEA, etc.) and the agencies that enforce them …

Registering as a Lobbyist in Georgia – 2014 Changes to Ethics in Government Act

November 5, 2013
Starting January 2014, changes to the rules for lobbyists in Georgia will go into effect and nonprofits that lobby should pay attention as the fines for noncompliance are significant. Even if your employees, contractors and volunteers have not had to register as lobbyists in the past, the updated law may require them to register. The old “10 percent” rule is gone, and the standard for who is considered a lobbyist has been both greatly simplified and significantly …

Webcast: Navigating Common Copyright Issues for Non-Profits

October 16, 2013
Imagine that you have volunteers who prepare the latest, greatest materials for your organization’s new program. Photos were taken, brochures are hot off the press, and training manuals are ready for distribution. You may ask yourself – how can I use these great materials for other future programs? Within this question lies a common, but dangerous misconception – an assumption that your organization owns the materials, and that they can be used in any manner that the …

2013 October Volunteers

October 14, 2013
Between January 1st and October 1st of 2013, almost 420 attorneys have volunteered for new matters with Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta! Aba Rogers Adam Balthrop Adam Meehan Adam Ney Adrienne L. Smith Alan Hastings Alan Rosselot Alex Shin Alison Musto LeVasseur Amanda Farahany Amanda Langston Amanda Witt Ami Koldhekar Amos Davis Amy Jensen Amy Loggins Amy McCullough Amy Wilson An Nguyen Andrew Nielsen Andrew Pequignot Andrew Strickland Andria Beeler-Norrholm Andy Hepburn Andy Litvak Angelo Spinola Anna …

Pro Bono Partnership Hosts a Fundraiser at Monday Night Brewing

October 14, 2013
On September 30, Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta held a successful fundraising event at Monday Night Brewing, one of Atlanta’s newest microbreweries. For a $20 ticket, each of our supporters received a pint glass, six tasting tickets, a brewery tour, and a $30 voucher toward a first ride with Uber. Starting at 5:30pm, about 150 volunteer attorneys, clients, friends and family all gathered to enjoy freshly brewed beers by Monday Night Brewing and tasty snacks from the …

Living Room

October 14, 2013
For the vulnerable population of adults diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, having stable living situations is vital for their physical and mental well-being. Since 1995, Living Room has been helping homeless adults living with HIV/AIDS, and their dependents, keep their homes or find housing. In 2011, the group expanded their services beyond the metro Atlanta area to the 15-county region around Rome and Dalton in Northwest Georgia. From housing referrals to financial assistance, Living Room helps in a variety …

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