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Families First Coronavirus Response Act: New Family Leave and Sick Leave Obligations for Employers Signed into Law

March 19, 2020
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the “Act”) was signed into law on March 18, 2020 and goes into effect on April 2, 2020. This law is a financial aid package intended to address the Coronavirus outbreak. It includes several employment-related provisions that affect will employers with fewer than 500 employees, including nonprofits. Employers are required to provide family leave for public health emergencies and paid sick leave. Employers have 15 days to determine how they will …

Candidate Forums

February 28, 2020
A candidate forum is an event where candidates running for elected office are invited to discuss their views and positions. Hosting a candidate forum can provide §501(c)(3) organizations with a meaningful and informative way to engage with voters and political candidates. As with all election-related activity, organizations must remain unbiased and nonpartisan. This article is intended to help guide §501(c)(3) organizations through hosting a successful candidate forum without risking its §501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. This article does not …

Voter Registration Drives

February 28, 2020
The United States political system relies on the involvement and participation of its citizens in the election process. Historically, many groups have faced barriers to full participation in this system. §501(c)(3) organizations often wish to host and promote voter registration drives to increase voter participation in the communities and populations that they serve. It is important that §501(c)(3) organizations follow specific guidelines and rules to remain neutral in any election-related activity. Under the Internal Revenue Code, §501(c)(3) …

“Get Out the Vote” Initiatives

February 28, 2020
The U.S. political system relies on the involvement and participation of its citizens in the election process. Certain groups—such as the elderly, disabled, and poor who may lack transportation face particular challenges to participating in this process. Get-Out-the-Vote (“GOTV”) initiatives aim to increase voter participation by reminding voters of the date and location of their polling place and/or providing transportation to the polls on election day. §501(c)(3) organizations are allowed to engage in these sorts of activities. …

Political Campaign Activities and Electioneering

February 27, 2020
501(c)(3)s are prohibited from engaging in political activity. Doing so can result in loss of tax-exemption. As the 2020 election year gets underway, it is important to understand what constitutes political activity and what doesn’t.   Open Slides in New Tab

Webcast: Georgia Lobbying Registration and Reporting Requirements for Nonprofits

February 27, 2020
Nonprofit §501(c)(3) organizations are permitted to engage in some lobbying activities, just not a substantial amount. Nonprofits that do engage in lobbying, like their for-profit peers, have significant obligations to register and report their lobbying activities in the State of Georgia. Rules vary depending on the level of state government or type of government entity the nonprofit is seeking to influence. View the webcast here View Lobbying in Georgia slides in new tab

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