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Taking Additional Money from a First Draw PPP Loan

January 21, 2021
Was your nonprofit approved for a Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan in 2020?  The Small Business Administration has provided guidance regarding reapplication or requests for increases for First Draw PPP Loans approved on or before August 8, 2020. Lenders may approve increases on First Draw PPP Loans starting on January 25, 2021. Read this article to learn more about the three potential scenarios where a PPP borrower may request additional First Draw loan funds and how each …

Federal Postings Are Still Required for Remote Workplaces

January 19, 2021
Under federal law, employers are required to display notices and posters in the workplace advising employees of their rights.  What is a “workplace” when some or all of your employees are remote?  Should you send notices out via e-mail, or post them on a shared document drive, or in the breakroom no one has used since March 2020?  Read this article to learn more about the US Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) recent guidance on legally-compliant electronic postings.

Educational Assistance Program Expanded to Cover Loan Repayments though 2025

January 15, 2021
Nonprofit employers may provide educational assistance programs to their employees as a benefit, to cover certain qualifying education expenses.  The CARES Act temporarily expanded the definition of “educational assistance” to include qualified student loans.  This expansion has been extended by the to include student loans through December 31, 2025.  Find out more in this article about the expansion of educational assistance programs.

Webcast: Galas & Tournaments & Festivals, Oh My! Part III: Festivals, Carnivals and “Taste Of…” Events

January 13, 2021
Our Fundraising series is exploring the legal aspects of conducting various fundraising activities in the state of Georgia. In this session, our speakers will explain the things nonprofits need to consider when hosting festivals, carnivals, block parties, fairs and “Taste of” events in Georgia. They will cover topics including risk issues, income and sales tax, and licenses that may be needed. Speakers: Richard Litwin, Litwin Law and Robyn Miller, Senior Corporate/Tax Counsel, Pro Bono Partnership of Atlanta …

FFCRA Obligations Become Voluntary

January 13, 2021
  On December 31, 2020, the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor (“DOL”) updated its Family First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) guidance. The update follows the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2021 (the “Act”) which was signed into law on December 27, 2020. The Act extended the FFCRA tax credit through March 31, 2021 if an employer voluntarily makes paid sick and family leave available to its employees from December 31, 2020 through March 31, …

Reopening the Paycheck Protection Program Portal

January 13, 2021
The Small Business Administration (“SBA”) and the US Department of Treasury reopened the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) Loan Application portal this week to accept applications from borrowers that are applying for their first PPP loan, for modifications to their existing PPP loan, or for a second PPP loan. Only community financial institutions will be able to make PPP loans initially, and all participating lenders will be able to lend shortly thereafter. This article summarizes the SBA’s latest …

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