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Webcast: Data Breach Prevention, Detection & Response

January 5, 2021
Data breaches are becoming more and more common. Whether the incident is “newsworthy” or not, the impact to your nonprofit’s reputation or the ability to operate can be severely impacted through a data breach. So what does it mean if you, or one of your vendors, is the victim of a security breach? In this webcast, our speaker will discuss: The difference between an incident and a breach; What steps a nonprofit should proactively take to minimize …

COVID-19 Vaccines: Can or Should You Mandate Them For Your Employees?

December 23, 2020
The COVID-19 vaccine is currently only available to some individuals.  What will you do when it is available to your employees?  Should you require vaccines for your employees?  Can you mandate them?  What are the risks associated with not requiring vaccinations?  There are currently more questions than answers, but this article provides a good starting point as you consider what your organization may do as the COVID-19 vaccination becomes more readily available.

Is “Comp Time” a Legal Practice in Georgia?

December 21, 2020
“Comp Time” is a popular practice among some nonprofit employers.  An employee who works extra hours gets paid time off instead of overtime pay.  In this episode of the PBPA podcast, Marquetta Bryan speaks to us about the practices of “comp time” as well as “flex time.”  If your nonprofit provides comp time options to employees, either regularly or just occasionally, then you definitely need to listen to this episode with important information about the use of …

A Year-End Update on COVID-19 and Employment Concerns for Your Nonprofit

December 21, 2020
This whirlwind of a year is coming to a close!  With it, some pandemic-related employment benefits are also coming to an end but the virtual workforce is not.  Read this article get an update on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and the latest CDC guidance on self-quarantining.  The article also covers important considerations if your remote workforce has moved out-of-state.

New Rules for UBIT: What You Need to Know About Siloing

December 21, 2020
You may be familiar with the fact that even tax-exempt organizations have to pay tax on income from an activity that is regularly carried on if it is not substantially related to the organization’s exempt purpose.  This is known as “unrelated business income tax” or UBIT. Under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), tax-exempt organizations have to calculate UBIT differently than before.   With clear examples and hypotheticals, this article very generally explains the changes under …

Shout out to Volunteers

December 16, 2020
Since January 1st, 696 attorneys have volunteered for new matters for our nonprofit clients! Click here for a list of individuals who have volunteered so far this year. To: Emily Johnson of UPS, Ben Garren of The Coca-Cola Company, and John Hyman, Bill Roche, and Christina Valencia of King & Spalding From:  Global Growers Emily, Ben, John, Bill, and Christina— On behalf of all of us at Global Growers Network, I want to thank you for sharing your time and …

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