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The Fair Use Defense to Copyright Infringement

February 23, 2023
You may have heard of the “fair use defense”, where certain unauthorized uses of copywritten material may be allowed by law. Here at PBPA, we often get questions from clients about the “fair use defense.”  What really is the fair use defense?  Does it give nonprofits a free pass to use copywritten material?  In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Jennifer Sandlin with Eversheds Sutherland will answer those questions and more as we review the fair use …

Guiding the Guides: Working with Volunteer Mentors

February 23, 2023
To realize the full potential of youth mentoring programs, it is critical for a nonprofit to have appropriate safeguards in place to protect the nonprofit, its volunteer mentors and its youth mentees. In the webinar, our speaker will review legal considerations for nonprofits that have volunteers who mentor youth, including: Speaker: Kristine Berry Morain, EVP, General Counsel, Boys & Girls Clubs of America Open Slides in New Tab Additional Resources: The National Mentoring Resource Center Background Checks …

Employee Awards & Gifts: Guidance to Avoid a Tax Spoiler

January 24, 2023
Your nonprofit wants to honor & celebrate its employees, whether it is with a company meal, holiday present, or award for years of service to your organization.  Employees appreciate employer gifts for any reason, but the gift is not as exciting if it’s taxed. In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Darrell Smelcer with Hunton Andrew Kurth will walk us through the tax considerations of gifts to employees.  He will share tips and guidance to help your …

What to Do If Your Nonprofit Receives Employee Wage Garnishment Papers

December 21, 2022
Your nonprofit has received notice from a government agency or court to garnish an employee’s wages. Now what? Nonprofit employers may not always be clear on their responsibilities when they receive a garnishment order. In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Elijah Davis with Stanton Law outlines why a nonprofit should immediately respond to garnishment papers, tips for the conversation with the garnished employee and guidance to make those garnishments papers less daunting. Pro Bono Partnership of …

Should Your Nonprofit Use Offer Letters or Employment Agreements in Hiring?

December 21, 2022
What is the difference between an offer letter and an employment agreement? This is a common question that employers have when deciding how to document the employment of a new hire. Read this article by Nell Schiller with King & Spalding to learn the differences between these two types of agreements and why offer letters are the better option for most nonprofit employees.

A New Nonprofit? Should You Create One and the ‘Determination’ Needed for 501(c)(3) Status

December 14, 2022
So, you’re thinking of starting your own nonprofit organization. It’s certainly an admirable endeavor; however, the road to receive and maintain 501(c)(3) status can be long and somewhat complicated. In this webinar, our speakers will review: Speaker: Cara Mitchell, Associate General Counsel, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Felix Swierski, Associate, Arnall Golden Gregory Open Slides in New Tab

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