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The Departure Lounge: Offboarding Nonprofit Employees

June 28, 2023
One of your employees has just provided their 2 weeks’ notice.  After what might be an initial shock (or relief), what do you do? In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Rayne Townes with Nokia and Cary Burke with Seyfarth Shaw review legal considerations in offboarding nonprofit employees. From non-solicitation agreements to securing your organization’s assets, join this conversation with employment attorneys as they share tips to guide a smooth and compliant offboarding process. Pro Bono Partnership …

Maximizing Impact with Cause Marketing: Guidelines for Charitable Sales Promotions

June 28, 2023
A “charitable sales promotion” is a popular form of cause marketing that allows businesses to support charitable organizations while promoting their own products or services. “Friday Donut Sales to Support Local Shelter” or “Restaurant Proceeds go to Food Bank” entice consumers to make purchases with the promise of supporting a charitable initiative. Whatever the arrangement may be, Georgia state law requires that the business and charity sign an agreement before beginning these types of promotions. Read this article for …

Best Practices for a Legally Compliant Website

June 26, 2023
Virtually every nonprofit has a website, yet many do not consider the legal ramifications of having one. This webinar focuses on just a few: Speakers: Katie Bennett & Sarah Parker, Holland & Knight Open Slides in New Tab

The Interactive ADA Process for Nonprofit Employers: Best Practices for Effective Engagement

May 30, 2023
When an employee requests an accommodation for a disability under the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”), employers are required to engage in an “interactive process” with the employee to determine if there is a reasonable accommodation that would allow the employee to perform the essential functions of the job. This article from Hopkins & Carley discusses how to engage in that interactive process. Please note that while the article references both the ADA and California law, the guidance …

Recognizing Value: Paying and Receiving Honorariums

May 30, 2023
What happens when a member of your organization receives an honorarium? Should the payment go to the individual or to the nonprofit? Well, it depends. In this episode of the PBPA Podcast, Kathryn Hecker and Felix Swierski with Arnall Golden Gregory will explore these questions and provide guidance on receiving or paying honoraria. While an honorarium serves as recognition to an individual for their time, expertise, and contributions, it is important to be aware of the legal …

Furry Friends: Legal Guidance for Maintaining a Pawsome Workplace

April 26, 2023
Can you have a “No Pets at Work” policy? What if an employee has a service dog? What if it is an emotional support dog? What if the person asking is a member of the public and not an employee at all? Nonprofits may receive requests from employees, clients, or others, to bring service or emotional support animals into their spaces. This article from the Bradley law firm provides guidance about when an organization is required to …

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