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Mission: To provide financial assistance, educational awareness and emotional support to families with medical fertility challenges. Matter-19920: Reviewing agreement to expand programming to another state. Mission: To strengthen, grow, and amplify educator preparation program impact at minority serving institutions by improving programming and driving innovation. Matter-19918: Reviewing suggested revisions to BranchED’s consulting agreement by Central Connecticut State University based on CT law. IMMEDIATE NEED. Mission: To eliminate all of the barriers that prevent Black children and their families from having a healthy and safe relationship with the water. Matter-19906: Revising facility use agreement for a pool. PBPA has forms. IMMEDIATE NEED.
Mission: To provide adults living with mental illness opportunities for friendship, employment, housing and education in a safe and respectful environment. Matter-19919: Drafting mandatory reporting policies for vulnerable adults. PBPA has forms. Mission: To make homelessness in Atlanta rare, brief and nonrecurring. Matter-19923: Developing policies and procedures for responding to Open Records requests. Mission: To revolutionize access to mental health care for youth from marginalized communities. Matter-19913: Revising intern agreement with graduate student clinicians. PBPA has forms. Mission: To strengthen, revitalize and equip Latino individuals and families so they can thrive and enjoy a healthy family environment. Matter-19898: Drafting drug testing policy and procedure. PBPA has forms. IMMEDIATE NEED. Mission: To eliminate all of the barriers that prevent Black children and their families from having a healthy and safe relationship with the water. Matter-19899: Reviewing employee handbook where organization has reached 50 employees and drafting employee expense policy. Mission: To build a bridge between scientists and the public and to advocate for the responsible use of science in public policy. Matter-19874: Advice regarding potential trademark infringement. Mission: To promote mutual respect and cooperation between foreign-born and US-born Americans by creating a welcoming atmosphere community by community. Matter-19879: Drafting license agreement for use of artwork created by employee outside scope of work. PBPA has resources. Mission: To engage families in our community and the courts to provide safe, stable and nurturing living environments for children. Matter-19916: Assistance responding to demand for payment for services contracted for by predecessor organization. IMMEDIATE NEED. Matter-19922: Assistance responding to garnishment of organization bank account for debt that was previously paid. IMMEDIATE NEED. Mission: To expose, educate, engage and entertain audiences as we present and support the art and artists of African descent while broadening cultural experiences.
Matter-19903: Drafting demand letter to concert vendor for ticket payout. Mission: To provide housing exclusively to support the mission of Community Friendship, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization. Matter-19925: Advice on proposed sale of group home building. Mission: To provide support and services that break the cycle of poverty. Matter-19926: Advising on two leases with option to purchase of property in Twiggs County. Mission: To assist individuals with disabilities and others with barriers to employment in maximizing their potential. Matter-19453: Assistance with filing for property tax exemption. Mission: To provide training, supervision and resources for volunteers to advocate for the best interests of abused and neglected children. Matter-19658: Advice regarding the division of donor restricted funds and other organization assets to newly formed CASA program becoming separate 501(c)(3). IMMEDIATE NEED. Mission: To provide support and services that break the cycle of poverty. Matter-19378: Assistance filing for property tax exemption in Fulton County.Summary of Opportunities
Jewish Fertility Foundation, Inc.
M.E.B. Alliance for Educator Diversity, Inc.
SwemKids International, Inc.
Clubhouse Atlanta, Inc.
Partners for H.O.M.E., Inc.
Hopebound Mental Health, Inc.
Ser Familia, Inc.
SwemKids International, Inc.
Intellectual Property
Science for Georgia, Inc.
Welcoming America, Inc.
Athens-Oconee CASA, Inc.
National Black Arts Festival, Inc.
Real Estate
Community Friendship Housing Services, Inc.
REDEEMED Outreach Community Development Corporation
Creative Enterprises, Inc.
Mountain Circuit Court Appointed Special Advocates, Inc. dba Northeast Georgia CASA
REDEEMED Outreach Community Development Corporation