Verify that you have no conflicts of interest and have all necessary department or firm approvals. We can match you with a matter contingent upon these checks.
PBPA will schedule the initial conference call with you, the client and one of our staff attorneys. After that initial call, you may consult with your client directly.
The PBPA staff attorney coordinating your project is also available for additional support. Feel free to contact her to request model forms, to consult on nonprofit governance and tax exemption issues, or for any other assistance you may need.
A PBPA staff member will contact you periodically for updates on the progress of the matter. Please respond with an update. If you have trouble reaching your client, if you find that you cannot devote sufficient attention to your matter, or if any other questions or problems arise in the course of your representation, please contact PBPA immediately.
In the course of your representation, you may determine that your matter would benefit from additional assistance from a private law firm or in-house attorney due to its complexity or timeliness. Please contact us to discuss possible partnerships.
Inform the PBPA when the matter is complete and provide an estimate of the number of hours you spent on the matter.
Please send PBPA copies of significant memoranda or other documents prepared in the course of your representation.
If your client contacts you directly about additional matters, please refer their request to PBPA. You are not obligated to assist the client on matters outside the scope of your initial representation. If you would like to work with your client again, we are happy to accommodate your request, but ask that all requests for assistance be directed through PBPA.